Robertson, Eadie & Associates

Specialized in providing professional consulting and administrative services to pension plan sponsors.

Overview of our Services

Our actuaries and consulting staff provide innovative and appropriate solutions to our target clients who sponsor mid-sized pension plans in Canada.

As RE&A is fully owned by our staff, we are able to provide our services at very competitive prices.

DB Plan Outsourcing Services

We offer a total bundled outsourced solution for any defined benefit plan in Canada.

Learn More
Ideal Canadian Pension Plan

Read more about the innovative, industry changing Ideal Canadian Pension Plan (ICPP).

Annual Pension Statement

You can view your annual pension statement on our website. Click here to login.


Our Services

We provide complete consulting, actuarial and administrative services as they relate to the design, implementation and maintenance of retirement savings arrangements. We also provide actuarial services related to the financial reporting of post-employment benefits, other than pension benefits.

Design, Review & Governance of Pension Plans

Actuarial Valuation

Administration & Communication

Investment Monitoring & Management Review

Our Staff

We provide services to our clients on a team-based approach, whereby each of our clients has access to two actuaries or consultants with direct client knowledge. We assign Associates and Technical Assistants as necessary to provide day-to-day support on a dedicated basis, and our other actuaries and consultants are available to provide peer review on important issues.

Andrew Gillies
Partner and Consultant of Robertson, Eadie & Associates
Drew Luchies
Partner and Consultant of Robertson, Eadie & Associates
Stephanie Santamaria
Partner and Consultant of Robertson, Eadie & Associates

Recent Publications

Further to our formal professional development policy, Robertson, Eadie & Associates authors and contributes to various papers and articles dealing with Canadian pension matters. Below, please find some of our recent publications: