Scott Gubbels
Associate of Robertson, Eadie & Associates
Scott Gubbels is an Associate of Robertson, Eadie & Associates. He has been with the firm since May 2013. Prior to joining our firm as a full-time employee, Scott completed co-op work terms with RE&A in the spring of 2011 and fall of 2012.
Scott graduated in 2013 with an Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Statistics from McMaster University. Scott is a Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary, an Associate of the Society of Actuaries and an Associate of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries.
Scott is involved in all aspects of pension consulting, including the design, implementation and administration of both defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans. He has extensive valuation experience including wind-up and conversion of pension plans, post-retirement benefits and post-employment non-pension benefits for accounting expense valuations.